Cosmetic acupuncture has gained popularity worldwide in recent years. MailOnline published “Cosmetic acupuncture is the newest weapon in the anti-ageing war”. Many public figures have tried cosmetic acupuncture. From Kim Kardashian to many Hollywood stars, they all like facial acupuncture for cosmetic purposes. Can facial acupuncture really make you look younger and keep you beautiful? Some clinical reports have shown positive results.
There are two aspects to the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture. One is the benefit of ‘local’ treatment and one is the benefit of ‘root’ treatment. Local treatment directly addresses facial aging symptoms while root treatment treats the underlying cause of facial symptoms such as hormonal balance, digestive problems or emotional stress. Both local and root treatments are performed in each session to provide the best and the longest lasting benefits. The benefits are:
• Improvement of fine lines and a diminishing of furrows and deeper wrinkles
• Reduces bags & dark circles under the eyes
• Improved muscle tone and firmer jaw line
• Moisturized, softer skin and more even skin tone
• Reduction in puffiness
• Firmer skin
• Reduction or elimination of rosacea and acne
• Lifting of droopy eyelids, jowls, and double chins